Sunday, May 8, 2011

McMullan times two tonight

I Stink!Happy Mother's Day! 

My daughter and I treated ourselves to to of Kate and Jim McMullan's books at bedtime.  The first selection, I Stink!, brings back memories of my oldest and his fascination with garbage trucks.  We used to follow the truck across our condo complex, watching each trash bag disappear with deep fascination.  I Stink! follows a garbage truck on its route and incudes a handy, unique section of trash related alphabet (P is for puppy poo) that is a nice change from P is for pretty or P is for pony.  The text had an urban-lyric quality that begs for sound effects and bold reading.   The illustrations are bright and formed from bold, brush strokes that align perfectly with the engaging text.

I'm Bad!We followed I Stink! with I'm Bad! (sounds like diner at my house), also by Kate and Jm McMullen. This time we follow a T-Rex on its unsuccessful search for food. The same bold illustrations and vibrant blend humor and the dino's own voice that describe the T-Rex's characteristics in kid-friendly language.  "Did you just call me baby arms?  Long as your's pal-20 times stronger.  Think about it..." We did.

There's even a run-in with early mammals.  I won't spoil the ending that explains why this T-Rex just isn't ready to catch food.  Yet.

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